Commercial Cleaning Services in Fraser, MI

I.M.K Cleaning Services is a leading provider of commercial cleaning services in Fraser, MI. We are a local company focusing on clean work and live environments that promote health, comfort, and productivity. Partner with us and let us make Fraser the cleanest place in Michigan. 

The I.M.K Cleaning Services Value: Why Choose Us?

There is more than one commercial cleaning company serving Fraser so why should you choose us them? We are a local family-owned company with a track record of promoting cleanness in Fraser. This is our home too and we want you to be part of its success story as the cleanest town in Michigan.

Fraser’s Clean Ambassadors

Commitment to clean work and live spaces

Reliable, honest, and customer-focused practices

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission at I.M.K Cleaning Services is to be the ambassador of clean, healthy and comfortable working and living spaces in Fraser, MI. We are a proud local company and this is evident in the community projects we have played a part in over the years. 

Our vision at I.M.K Cleaning Services is to be the leading provider of commercial cleaning services in Fraser, MI. However, beyond that, we hope our commitment to quality, community focus, and sustainable practices will make Fraser, MI the cleanest work-live location in Michigan. 

Our Services

I.M.K Cleaning Services provides the entire range of commercial cleaning services in Fraser. Our main services include:

Industrial cleaning in Fraser, MI

Picture a pristine industrial space in Fraser, MI where workers and visitors are assured of their health, safety and comfort. This is what we help our industrial clients in Fraser, MI achieve with our comprehensive industrial cleaning services. From degreasing industrial floors to dusting machinery and workspaces, we will ensure your plant is clean and compliant with regulations. 

Office cleaning in Fraser, MI

A clean office is the number one factor that people use to judge your corporate image. At the same time, clean working environments are great to work in. As a leading promoter of clean working spaces in Fraser, MI, our goal is to help you achieve high cleanliness standards with our office cleaning services.

Day porter services in Fraser, MI

Do you need a day porter in Fraser, MI? I.M.K Cleaning Services has experienced day porters and provides day porter services on request. Let us help you take care of your regular cleaning and related needs today.

Schools and University cleaning in Fraser, MI

Schools and universities play an important economic and social role in the Fraser community. We want to play our part by offering heavily discounted school and university cleaning services to you. We’ll help maintain and clean and comfortable learning environment so learners can focus on their studies.  

Medical and Healthcare Cleaning in Fraser, MI

Medical facilities in Fraser, MI are not left behind. We are a proud provider of commercial cleaning services for healthcare facilities in Fraser, MI, and its environs. Let us help you keep your hospital or medical facility clean and safe for your workers all year round. We have what it takes!

Janitorial Cleaning in Fraser, MI

Many companies in Fraser, MI prefer to outsource their janitorial needs and we are the leading provider in this area. Our janitors are more than ready to do the heavy lifting mopping your floors, clearing trash, restocking washrooms, on-demand cleaning, and much more.

Automotive Cleaning in Fraser, MI

A pristine automotive business is likely to attract more clients and pass service delivery assessments. You can rely on I.M.K Cleaning Services to deliver the best automotive cleaning services so you can achieve your targets as a business. We are the only company with dedicated cleaning services for automotive businesses in Fraser and its environs. 

Bank Cleaning Services in Fraser, MI

Want to protect your brand image and stand out from other banks in Fraser, MI? We promote clean working spaces in Fraser with our comprehensive bank cleaning services

Retail Cleaning Services in Fraser, MI

Clean, inviting retail services are our business in Fraser. Whether you manage a large mall, small convenience store, boutique store, or ice-cream parlor, we will help you keep it clean and inviting at all times.

Restaurant Cleaning Services in Fraser, MI

Turn casual diners and passersby into loyal customers of your restaurant with I.M.K Cleaning Services. We are a leading and proud promoter of clean dining places in Fraser MI. Whether you own a big restaurant, a franchise, or a food truck, we will partner with you to keep it clean. 

Property Management Cleaning Services in Fraser, MI

Are you a Fraser, MI property owner or seller? I.M.K Cleaning Services has special property cleaning services for you. We help our clients keep their property clean in line with our goal of creating clean living spaces in Fraser.

Gym Cleaning Services in Fraser, MI

Make your gym the cleanest most inviting workout space in Fraser with our special gym cleaning services. We will not only clean and organize your gym but also give you ideas on how to make it more attractive and comfortable for your members.

Government Facility Cleaning Services in Fraser, MI

We are the proud provider of commercial cleaning services for government facilities in Fraser, MI. Take advantage of our heavily discounted pricing for government facilities and ensure a pristine facility that matches the stature of Fraser Michigan. 

Ready to be our partner in clean work and live spaces? Talk to us today if interested in our commercial cleaning services in Fraser, MI. 

Contact Us

If you're looking for reliable and professional Commercial Cleaning Services in Beverly Hills, look no further than I.M.K. Cleaning Services. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and get your personalized quote. We look forward to hearing from you and serving as your trusted partner in commercial cleaning.

If you're looking for reliable and professional Commercial Cleaning Services in Beverly Hills, look no further than I.M.K. Cleaning Services. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and get your personalized quote. We look forward to hearing from you and serving as your trusted partner in commercial cleaning.

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Get Commercial Cleaning Quote

Our Sales Team will call you today or in the next business day to learn more about your needs and to schedule a facility visit for a custom quote on your cleaning plan.

Cleaning and disinfecting services provided by independently owned and operated by I.M.K Cleaning Services.